Welcome to North Indianapolis Catholic Schoolhouse!
Our chapter is in Zionsville at Saint Alphonsus Liguori Parish.
1870 W Oak St. Zionsville, IN 46077
We meet on Thursday mornings at 9:45. Our day begins with morning prayer, chorus and the Pledge of Allegiance.
Children of all ages will then move into their academics where they will learn and review memory work, enjoy hands-on art and science, and a snack. Babies are welcome to stay with their Mama’s and young children will have fun in the nursery where their tutor will have fun, educational activities prepared for them. At 12:00 pm, we step out of our classrooms to all pray the Angelus together, then resume class work until 1:00 pm. We will share lunch and fellowship from 1-2:30 pm before heading home
Contact northindianapolisin@catholicschoolhouse.com to learn how your family can join!